Sunday, May 12, 2013

SWEET Way to Help Your Substitute!

How would it be to be a substitute teacher, and turn on the computer to see this:

When I have a sub, I set them up with work packets and Scholastic News for the morning, and "Reward videos" for the afternoon.  If kids work hard in the morning, the reward for kids and teacher is to watch videos in the afternoon (of course, it goes along with what we've been learning, too).  The problem was, I had a bit of a hard time helping the sub get to the websites easily!


Put direct links on the desktop, and label them as plane as day!  What could be easier?  Of course, I had to add the happy, feel good stuff, too. ;)

Here's how to do it:
1. Go to the desired web page (making sure any passwords are saved).
2. Shrink the window (use the double box button between the "Minimize" and "Close" buttons).
3. Click and drag the icon next to the web address out of the internet window onto the desktop.
4. Right click on the desktop icon to Rename it something obvious (ex. Video 1).

Good so far???  Ok...

5. Create your background picture in your favorite drawing program.  Include a word of praise and encouragement (every sub needs to hear how great they are!), and a place that points to your web links.
6.  Save the picture where you can find it easily.
7. Make that picture your wallpaper (Google this if you don't know how.  I promise, it's easy!)
8. Click and drag your freshly created icons to the labeled spot.

That's all folks!  Not so bad, right?  And you know you're sub will LOVE it!
Best of luck!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Running to the Finish!

Check out some new dates on our calendar!  The AR party is set, and is going to be a blast!  Make sure to send $5 with the permission slip.  We also have a definite date for the Wheel-a-thon, a fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and have been working hard to spread the word!  3rd-5th graders have from now until the day of the event to collect pledges & donations, and must return all money by Thursday, 5/23.  

My students and I will be taking the cowboy song on the road, teaching the song to the Pre-K and Kindergarten classes over the next two weeks.  It should be fun to hear their little voices.  Our focus in the classroom will be on Social Studies quite a bit this week as we make Oklahoma relief maps, state info. posters, and finish our picture timelines.  Next week is Science, and it will be out of this world!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Get This Party Started!

This will be an experiment.  I've never done a blog before, but I would love an easy way to communicate with students, parents, and fellow teachers.  This seems to be the way to do it, so I'll give it a try!

We're in the final countdown to summer!  In the few weeks we have left, we'll be working on reaching our 100% AR goals, growing marigold flowers from seeds, making relief maps of Oklahoma, and organizing a fundraiser for Muscular Dystrophy.  Since we're studying Tall Tales, our morning song is going to be done "Cowboy Style," complete with a guitar-playing teacher!  It should all be lots of fun!

That's about it for now.  Short & Sweet, or I'll never keep up with this thing! Lol!