Saturday, August 31, 2013

Friday Fun

Every Friday, after working hard all week, we have some FUN as a class!  This fun time includes computer games, free art, board games, and the ever popular dress-up.

We have this time built in our schedule for several reasons.  First of all, I believe in positive reinforcement.  Children only participate in Friday Fun if ALL their work from the week is turned in.  If someone has to miss it, they work that much harder to be a part of Friday Fun the next week.  It teaches the balance of working hard FIRST, then playing hard as a reward.

This time also fosters creativity in BIG ways.  Students step into roles and make up back-stories to go along with it.  This skill transfers over to creativity in writing, and being able to understand and get into books a little deeper.

I believe dreams are fostered, too.  I put Kidz Bop music on and Hollywood lights around our mirror, and the divas come out.  This girl does a sassy walk around the classroom singing in the prop mic with such attitude.  It's marvelous to watch.  I've also had kids playing teacher, parents, camera man, and any number of other roles.

Humor bonds people together, and heals us in ways that nothing else can.  There's always at least one kid that just makes us all roll with laughter!  This boy is a riot!  He kept changing his costume and doing the funniest things to make it even more hilarious.  We really come together as a classroom community in these moments.

Even my quiet students come out of their shells and join in the fun.  The less outgoing and social a person is, the more valuable this time to be silly together with friends is.  In third grade, cliques aren't really an issue, but that all changes the summer before fourth grade.  As a teacher, I don't keep close tabs on who is getting together outside of school.  I do know that some of these kids would not get together just to be silly if it weren't for our Friday Fun time.

So there it is.  All of my reasons to let loose and just have FUN every Friday with my kids.  It leaves us all smiling, motivated to come back Monday focused and prepared to work hard, and bonded together more than ever.  It's worth every minute!

[Teacher Note:  Every bit of my costume collection was gained through freebies and garage sales.  Look for day cares doing spring cleaning, & estate sales of the elderly who have passed away.  When word spreads that you're building your collection, people will come out of the woodwork to help you!]

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sweet Shoppe Classroom

Welcome Back!
We're in for a yummy year in Peart's Pops 3rd Grade Sweet Shoppe!

Students have opened the door to learning as we've gone over Rules & Procedures for the classroom and the school, and have started in on Math, Science, Reading, and English content.

Along with Rules & Procedures, students have been learning about how our classroom runs.  They are getting very excited about Reading Centers, and our classroom Jobs.  The Sweetie of the Week will get to put up their All About Me book on the Sweetie board, and can also bring in pictures from home to share.  Parents can even bring our Sweetie's favorite pet to school that special Wednesday (12:45-1:10 pm).

Mark your calendars for Back to School Night, August 29th.  I'd love to see every student represented!
We've gotten off to such a good start, I just know this year will be a Sweet Success!